Super Moist Chocolate Cherry Cake
A delicious super moist Cake! I hate dry Cake. This recipe creates a Super Moist Cake and it is made so easily, starting with a box mix. Someone told me...
A delicious super moist Cake! I hate dry Cake. This recipe creates a Super Moist Cake and it is made so easily, starting with a box mix. Someone told me...
A creamy Pie with Grand Marnier and topped with a homemade Chocolate Sauce. I was trying to come up with a recipe that had flavors of Orange, Cream and Chocolate...
Quick and easy flavorful Wraps. These Wrap sandwiches are so easy to make and they are great for a light refreshing lunch. Tender Chicken, a little crunch from the Coleslaw...
Easy, creamy, chocolatey dessert! This Trifle recipe is so easy. You can have these ingredients in your pantry and fridge/freezer, then you can whip this up anytime. Trifles look so...
A great Summer Salad. This Salad has great flavor from the crispness of the Celery and Onion to the refreshing Red Grapes. The Chicken and Penne Pasta round out the...
Easy Baked Chicken Quesadillas Recipe. I love Quesadillas, but if you are making them in a pan, on your stovetop, you are limited on the amount that will fit in...