Candied Rum Bacon
A delicious caramelized Bacon. Candied Rum Bacon is so easy to make. It smells fantastic as it bakes in the oven and the flavor is so delicious, you may want...
A delicious caramelized Bacon. Candied Rum Bacon is so easy to make. It smells fantastic as it bakes in the oven and the flavor is so delicious, you may want...
A rich, moist, flavorful Pound Cake. This Pound Cake is easy to make and has just a hint of Kahlua added to the Batter and the Ganache to enhance the...
A twist on the traditional Tater Tot Hot Dish. I love my traditional Tater Tot Hot Dish recipe but I decided to change things up a bit. My family loves...
A mini Turkey Reuben Appetizer. I wanted to make Reubens for a football gathering but the menu was going to consist of a variety of food, so I didn’t want...
A delicious, easy to make Dipping Sauce for Fries. I love a good Dipping Sauce for Fries. Ketchup will do in a pinch but this really takes any style of...
Skip boiling Eggs for this recipe. A lot of people don’t like the texture of Hard Boiled Eggs especially the Yolk. So why not just scramble some fluffy Eggs and...