Frosted Strawberry Cake
Delicious yet easy to make Strawberry Cake. Combining a Cake Mix with ripe Strawberries turns this Cake Mix into a dessert that is full of flavor. If you have extra...
Delicious yet easy to make Strawberry Cake. Combining a Cake Mix with ripe Strawberries turns this Cake Mix into a dessert that is full of flavor. If you have extra...
These Cookies are loaded with Sweet Chocolate ChipsĀ and Salty Pretzel pieces. Take your Chocolate Chip Cookies to a new level by adding Salted Pretzel pieces and just a touch of...
A colorful Pasta Salad with texture and flavor. A little crunch from the Celery, a little sweetness from the Grapes, a little salty Bacon, plus the roasted Chicken flavor, all...
Who doesn’t love Chips and Dip? This Dip is so easy to make and has only 4 ingredients. Back in the 50’s and 60’s Chips and Dip were a must...
A refreshing drink perfect for a hot summer day! I prepare my Watermelon in the morning and then I can be outdoors playing Frisbee or Jarts with the neighbors. When...
A simple and easy recreation of this Spanish dessert. My version of Churros are super simple to make. The traditional version requires making a dough and deep frying. This version...