Creme Brulee


An elegant Custard Dessert with a Caramelized Sugar Top.

Crème Brulee is an elegant dessert, perfect for special occasions.

Traditional recipes for this dessert require you to use a dessert torch. You don’t need a torch to make this dessert when following my recipe. I find it is easier to just use the broiler setting on your oven.

Breaking through the caramelized top to get to the creamy Custard is truly a treat!


  • 7 Egg Yolks
  • 2 Cups Heavy Cream
  • 1/3 Cup White Sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
  • 4 Tablespoons Light Brown Sugar


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

2. In a large mixing bowl whisk the Egg Yolks with the White Sugar until well combined.

3. Next whisk in the Vanilla then slowly whisk in the Heavy Cream.

4. Pour the Custard mixture into four- 6 oz. ceramic baking ramekins and set them in a 9 x 13 baking dish. (make sure the ramekins you use are heat proof and can handle the heat from the oven and broiler)

Creme Brulee Recipe

5. Add hot water into the pan until it is about half the height of the ramekins.

  • A tip: set the pan in the oven, THEN pour the water into the pan, that way you won’t spill the water when moving the pan. You also need to be careful not to splash any water into the Custard or you can compromise the dish.

6. Bake the Custard for 25-45 minutes. All ovens cook differently so check the Custard at 25 minutes. You are looking for the top to be light golden brown and the sides to be set. The center should be jiggly but not runny.

Creme Brulee Recipe (2)

7. When the Custard is done, remove the ramekins from the water bath and allow to cool completely.

8. When the Custard is completely cool, cover each ramekin with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 4 hours.

9. After 4 hours, remove the plastic wrap from the ramekins and sprinkle 1 Tablespoon of the Brown Sugar on top of the Custard in each dish. Pat it down lightly as you see here.

Creme Brulee Recipe (3)

10. Turn your oven setting to broil. Set the ramekins on a baking tray to align them with your broiler. Stay close to the oven for this process it only takes moments to caramelize the Brown Sugar. Pop the baking tray under the broiler and keep a close eye on the browning process. You want the Sugar to be close to dark brown. Once you see this color remove the baking tray immediately or the Sugar will burn.

Creme Brulee Recipe (4)

11. Allow the Crème Brulee to cool for about 10 minutes before serving. Traditionally Crème Brulee is served at room temperature.

Recipe By: Hot Dish Homemaker




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Hot Dish Homemaker

Hot Dish Homemaker

I love cooking for family and friends. I created the Hot Dish Homemaker blog, as a forum to share my recipes. I hope you will be inspired to try my recipes and share them with your family and friends as well.

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