Corn on the Cob Tip


Corn on the Cob is tender and sweet.

I personally like to grill Corn On The Cob, but if you don’t have access to a grill, here is the best way to cook it on the stove top.

A lot of people make a few mistakes when cooking/boiling Corn on the stove top and that is, they add Salt into the cooking water and they cook the Corn for far too long.

  • Salt actually makes the Corn tough.
  • What you should be adding to the water is a few tablespoons of White Sugar in the pot.
  • SugarĀ brings out the natural sweetness of the corn.
  • Over cooking the Corn will take all the flavor out of the Corn.

Here is how to cook it on the stove top:

1. Pour about 8 cups of Water into a large stockpot. Stir in 1 Tablespoon of Sugar. Bring the Water to a boil.

2. Add 4 peeled Ears of Corn into he boiling water.

3. Bring the water back up to a boil and only boil for 2 additional minutes! Now you should have perfect Corn on the Cob!

Tip from: Hot Dish Homemaker


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Hot Dish Homemaker

Hot Dish Homemaker

I love cooking for family and friends. I created the Hot Dish Homemaker blog, as a forum to share my recipes. I hope you will be inspired to try my recipes and share them with your family and friends as well.

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